Unst Recyling hub
In March 2020 we looked at land nearby our office/shop on Hagdale and began to apply for funding to look at a bigger Recycling/Community hub for the island. This would include a bigger secondhand shop, a workshop area for repairing and recycling goods, a commercial laundry and a gardening area.
We appointed Peter Sandison as Recycling Centre Development Officer and put out a questionnaire to residents about what, if anything, they wanted to see in such a building. We have purchased a plot of land and are now at the stage of looking at plans before going back to the community with the results and seeking funding to create the premises. We engaged Malcolmson Architects to come up with plans for the site and and to undertake a feasibility study for the work involved. The plans show two Phases of the project. Phase 1, the building to the north, shows a large shop area, a drop-off/storage area, a laundry and a "Changing Places" 24hr accessible toilet. Phase 2 has workshop areas, a meeting area, office, social hub and polycrubs outside. These plans allow us to approach the Planning and Roads departments of the SIC for their comments, as well as SEPA, Nature Scot (who have the nearby Keen of Hamar Reserve), utilities companies (electricity, water, telecoms) and, of course, the Unst community . The site is just north of Bobby's Bus Shelter with the access road being the present track into the Nissen shed on the Breck of Hagdale, before you come to the Fire Station and Jamieson's garage further north. To download copies of the plans, click on the links below:- 1. Site Layout 2. Plan of Phase 1 (Shop, Garage, Laundry, "Changing Places" toilet 3. Outside views of Phase 1 and 2 buildings 4. Plan showing both Phase 1 and Phase 2 buildings To comment on the plans, email [email protected] or contact Peter Sandison, c/o UP Office or email him at [email protected] |